Natural Consequences

Do you see several students, that do not understand natural consequences???

I think that in many ways this is a hard lesson to teach, well....
maybe I should say it is a hard lesson to get to stick!

I decided to do an interactive writing lesson
where every student took a star and had to help (as a group)
write out natural consequences.

So I had some of these on larger stars:
If I talk out in class...
If I push a friend...
If I run in the hall...
If I call someone a name...
If I sit quietly...
If I raise my hand...

I gave each table one of the above statements.

Then the students worked together to write down the natural consequence on a smaller star.

So it looked like this!

If I talk out in class...  I will not learn and others will not learn.

If I raise my hand.... I will help others to keep working without interrupting.

You could use your school mascot or any die-cut shape!

Counselor 2 Counselor


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