Baby it's cold outside...

Winter has blown in; it is FrEeZingggg outside.  We are suppose to have football tonight and the town's temperature where we are playing, currently has a windchill of 1!  Buuurrrrr.

I have been playing Christmas music nonstop at my house and office.  I have not forgotten Thanksgiving though.  Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite family get togethers.  I have the best childhood memories of Thanksgiving time with my grandparents.  My grandad, whom we called Poppie, would sneak He and I a roll and butter it up for a taste test.

I am currently trying to decide what type of fun guidance lessons I can use in December to help celebrate the Joy and Love of Christmas.  I am researching ideas on Christmas and Holidays around the world.  I am hoping to do a diversity lesson with traditions incorporated into the topic.  I am envisioning the hallways decorated with traditions around the world.

It is such a wonderful time of the year.


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