Pumpkin Feelings

This past week my Kindergarten student's talked about feelings.

I read the book
By Janan Cain {Amazon Link}

We discussed feelings we have when we are Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers.

Students then created a Pumpkin Feeling Book.

Here is the link I found from jmeacham.com
of a cute
Pumpkin Book perfect for Kindergarteners!

{counselor 2 counselor}

Fins Up

My husband and I had a weekend away in Las Vegas!

We went to see Jimmy Buffett's concert and just grab a little R&R.

Fins Up!

Viva Las Vegas!

Bucket Filling

This school year I have been diligently teaching Bucket Filling to my elementary students.  I have been amazed at how my teachers have incorporated it into their classrooms, and how the students are using Bucket Filling Language.

EVERYTHING I have used can be found on my Pinterest Board!

I created a cute little bucket to start my first lesson with, that I saw on Pinterest.  I asked students, "what are things you can fill a bucket with?"

{Of course they had no prior knowledge of "Bucket Filling" so they said things like seashells, sand, eggs, etc.}

Then, I read the Bucket Filling book.  We then went back to my first question....
But changed it to, "what are ways we can fill each others buckets?"

I really believe the most helpful creation from Pinterest was taking a poster board and having students sit in a circle and create a list of Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers. 

We have tied Bucket Filling into our bullying lessons also.

I printed posters to place around campus and for every teacher to have in their classroom of the bucket pledge and "Have you filled a bucket today?" sign.  Found on Pinterest!

I ended the lesson with students doing a Diversity lesson.  I had students get together in groups of 3 or 4.  I then asked them why they chose the students in their group.  Of course, they said "that's my friends!"

I then, counted them off, and had them recreate their groups.  I told them I "Diversified" their groups.  They are now mixed up!  Each student wrote their name on a slip of paper.  Then, they had to give their paper to another person in their group.  The paper said,
"I would like to fill your bucket my saying....."

I told students they were not allowed to say "I don't have anything to write, I don't know that person, etc."  {or that would be bucket dipping!}
I reminded them that they have had the same class with that person for 6-weeks and should know something GREAT about everyone in their class.

This lesson went great
I had to share!

Good luck and have fun!

{counselor 2 counselor}

School Assembly

Do you ever try to think of fun and creative school assemblies?
Especially on the first day of school?

I stumbled upon this....
&&& had to share!


Sweetwater's staff did a Flash Mob for their first day of school assembly.

Super cute and I love the shirts!

Bullying Conference

I recently went to the Bullying Conference.  One day was for educators and one day was for students.  It was awesome.  Dr. Eric Cupp does an amazing job.  He said it is okay to use his stuff, if it helps to save a child.  So I took a lot of notes and wanted to share them with you.  Some of these, might be great things for you to use in a staff development or when working with children.

At the bottom, you will find a link to Dr. Eric Cupp's website.

Bulling: It Ends with Me! Dr. Eric Cupp

Junior High is the worst years of bullying.  None of them know who they are, but they are all trying to discover.  High school is minimal for bullying.  If you have high school bullying, then something is really wrong at your school.

Right now, 168,000 kids are not in school.  (Because in spite of what we say – school is not safe for them!)
You cannot expect maturity from immature individuals.  If you allow them opportunities, then they will take advantage of it.

So what are bullies looking for? POWER
So what should you do??? GIVE them POWER! (Allow them to be in charge of things at school.)

A lot of kids play around, call names, and shove.  What is the difference?
     The difference is the relationship between kids and the intent of the interaction.  You can’t tease someone when there is a power imbalance.  If they aren’t laughing, then you’re not playing.  If someone is not your friend, then teasing is always inappropriate.  You have to be careful with teasing.

The effects of bullying last a lifetime.  It causes misery for the bully’s victims, and leaves a lasting impression of all those who witness repeated bullying incidents.

Don’t be an educator that one day a student looks back on and says, where were you? Who were you?  Be an advocate.

What happens to bullies?
·      If not corrected, you have life-long habits formed.
·      They become a loner in high school.
·      60% of bullies will have a criminal conviction by the age of 24.
·      Children identified as bullies by age 8, tend to be adult bullies.
·      Experience more divorce, alcoholism and drug problems, damage their own spouses, families, and employees.

Children cannot escape the locker room, the school yard or the cafeteria. 

What is missing here? Adults.  Recess is not shade or walk time.  It is time for adults to be stationed and involved in the activities going on.

Bullying occurs once every 7 minutes.

 We must not send the message that bullying is acceptable or that victims will not be protected.
It is not okay to say “boys will be boys!”  (Boys are also drawn to pornography, but we don’t say that is okay!)

Kids are a key to stopping it all.  They see it.  You can go to kids and ask “Tell me 5 kids that get bullied?  How are they bullied?”  Kids know who the bullies are and what they are doing.

Only 25% of students report that teacher intervene in bullying situations. 
1 out 4 students believe that a teacher will help them!
You have to set up an environment and culture that has students believe that if they ask for help, then YOU will get it.

What are the signs that a kid ma be getting bullied?
·      Absences
·      Clingy behavior
·      Anxiety during class
·      Loss of interest in schoolwork
·      Decline in academic performances
·      Unusual sadness
·      Avoidance of school areas
·      Cuts or bruises
·      Isolation
·      Visits to school nurse
·      Fear of walking home or getting on bus

Bullying will stop in less than 10 seconds if there is an intervention.
Children report that bullying is worse than losing a loved one.  The here and now (Jr. High) is the most important thing to them.  They don’t see past it.

Dr. Eric Cupp's Link: http://www.ericcupp.com

Red Ribbon Day

This year, since we just finished up Homecoming and all the Hoopla, we are going to do a Red Ribbon Day.  This way we can have some normalcy throughout the week.
I just wanted to share our Red Ribbon Day idea:

“Dress for Success”
Red Ribbon Day
Wednesday, October 24th
Career Day!

{Just Say NO to Drugs}

What do you want to be when you graduate?
A look into your FUTURE!

Students can wear career clothing that shows what they want to be when they graduate to celebrate Red Ribbon Day.
(Students must be within dress code)

Red Ribbon Week Ideas

Red Ribbon Week is just around the corner....

Here are some ideas to get you started on those FUN dress-up days:

Red Ribbon Day – Red Day – Send off Red Balloons!
Follow your dreams! –PJ day
Lei off Drugs- Hawaiian Day!
Join the TEAM against drugs! – Favorite sports jersey or shirt.
Hide in Time from Drugs – Decades Day.
Throwback Thursday – Decades Day.
Stomp out Drugs! – Boots day.
Sock it to drugs. – Crazy sock day.
The life you save could be yours. –Superhero Day.
My future is Lookin’ Bright! –Bright shirts/Sunglasses
No Drugs in my future. –Career Day.
Don’t get mixed up in Drugs. – Mix Matched clothes day.
Partner up to win the fight against drugs. –Twin Day
Yo Ho Yo Ho a Drug Free life for me! – Pirate Day
Scare out drugs!- Scarecrow Day
Texas Ropers Aren’t Dopers! – Cowboy/Cowgirl Day
Too Smart to Start! –Nerd Day
A drug Free life Rocks! –Rock Star day
Put a cap on drugs!- Cap day