Beyond Puppets

I have a shelf full of puppets and stuffed animals.

I recently was searching Barnes and Nobles, and noticed they have several Character Plush dolls and animals.

Most are under 12.95!

I often take a few with me down the halls or into the classrooms. I call them my friends, and students quickly want to meet them. I tie them into my guidance lessons or allow students to hold one while they are sharing.

They help students want to talk in group settings.

B&N has several, like Junie B. Jones, that older elementary students would love.

Check them out!

Angry Birds Fun

Do you ever have a student referred for anger management?

Do you need help breaking the ICE before you can begin in-depth therapy?

Here is an idea...

Rainbow Rice

This is a must for a great sand therapy replacement.

Rainbow Rice
Check out my Pinterest site for the link or click below!

I encourage you to check out this blog for all the great details
her amazing pictures she has posted.

How would I -or- should I say, How Will I use this in my counseling?
I am planning on storing this in a tray
allowing students to use it the same way they would sand therapy.


Yes I am still alive and here...
Took a little break from the craziness, but I am lovin' me some Summer right now!

Great things to come and ideas to share.

A little piece of my summer...

Counselor 2 Counselor